There are many homes around the country that choose to have a pet in the house. The top pet that people choose is a dog. Dogs are a pet that can be a part of the house and get along with you and your family. They also are a great pet to add a level of protection as well. Getting your family a new dog is a fun experience. You can choose to go to a shelter to find a dog that you can rescue or you can even purchase a puppy! No matter what type of dog you get they all will be in need of your love and your care. They need to see the vet and you need to make sure that your dog has time to adjust to a new household and people. When you have a dog at your house you know that they are going to have some accidents. Whether it is an occasional problem or just as they are learning where they are allowed to go it will happen. You need to know the best way to care for a pet stain because otherwise your house will start to smell like ammonia.
Tough Carpet Cleaning Outlines What to Do if Your Dog Has an Accident on the Carpet in Your House
How to Deal With a Dog that Keeps Peeing on Carpet: When you catch a dog having an accident on the carpet you want to make sure that you address the problem as well as the dog. The first instinct for most people is to yell and scream but this is the worst reaction to have towards a dog and especially a new one. You want to make sure that you do talk to the dog and make sure they understand that they cannot make a mess in the house. You can call them over to the spot and talk to them then take them out of the house to an area that they are allowed to use the bathroom. That way they are not scarred and won’t cower when you try to talk to them. You want them to feel comfortable and not scared of you.
Treat Excess Moisture on Carpet: The first thing that you need to do when you are dealing with dog urine is to treat the excess moisture. You can star this by taking a paper towel and dab at the spot to try and soak up as much as you can. You may need to repeat several times to get as much moisture as you can. After you dab at the spot you can then use baking soda. You want to lay baking soda on the spot and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes. This will help to pull the urine that has soaked into the padding as well as the carpet. You can then take the vacuum and remove the baking soda and this will also take the moisture as well.
Remove the Pet Urine Stain: The next thing that you can do is to treat the spot that is left by using a wash cloth and water mixed with some detergent. Be careful to not use too much cleaner so that you can get it dried and the spot cleaned. You can repeat the process if you don’t think that the stain has been removed all the way.
Carpet Cleaning & Stain Removal in Enterprise, Paradise, Spring Valley, Henderson, North LV, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountains Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
Tough Carpet Cleaning offers services to treat your carpets for any stains. Call us today to set up an appointment.