There are millions of people across the country that own one or more pets. Are you one of them? Pets of all kinds bring so much joy to their owners. Pets can truly become a beloved part of our families. If you have pets you know that even though pets bring all sorts of happiness there are also a few things that are hard about being a pet owner. One of the most frustrating parts of owning a pet is making sure that they do not pee or poop where they are not supposed to. When your pets have accidents on your carpet it not only causes staining, it can also have some other serious effects on your health. Today Tough Carpet Cleaning is going to talk about some of the health concerns of animal urine on your carpet.
Health Hazards of Pet Urine on Carpet
Animal urine, especially cat and dog urine, is highly concentrated. Their urine has a very potent ammonia smell to it. Even if you clean off your carpet immediately the smell of ammonia will still permeate your house for at least a little bit. If it is not cleaned at all or not cleaned thoroughly the ammonia can cause serious respiratory concerns for you and your loved ones. Ammonia in the air can have negative effects on people who have COPD, asthma, allergies, and emphysema. It can also cause asthma, pneumonia, and in severe cases, suffocation.
Pet Urine Rots Sub Floor
Many times homeowners think about the damage that pet urine causes to your carpet and padding but they do not contemplate the damage that it can do your subfloor. When urine soaks through your carpet and padding it can also soak into your subfloor. As your subfloor becomes more saturated it can begin to rot. Replacing a rotting subfloor is extremely expensive. You can avoid this costly repair by making sure that you take care of the urine that does get onto your carpet.
Dog & Cat Urine Can Cause Mold in Carpet
If pet urine sits on your carpet for long periods of time it soaks through your carpet and gets into the padding that is just below your carpet. Over time this moisture can start to grow mold underneath your carpet. Mold causes a large variety of health problems. The longer that you live with mold in your home the more sever the health problems become.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal in Enterprise, Paradise, Spring Valley, Henderson, North LV, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountains Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
So if you have pets what can you do prevent the problems outlined above? The very best thing that you can do is make sure that you clean up any urine that you see immediately upon detection. Sometimes this step is harder than it sounds because our furry little friends are really good at urinating in places that we do not notice for right away. Once you do notice it you will want to clean it up. You should also vacuum and sweep your floors very regularly. Another very important step is to make sure that you schedule regular cleanings with Tough Carpet Cleaning. The equipment that our technicians use is able to clean your carpets more thoroughly than any other method. If it has been awhile since you had your carpets cleaned give us a call today so that we can get your appointment set up.