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How Do You Get Salad Dressing Stains Out of Carpet in Anthem, NV? Clean with Stain Removal Solution, Rinse & More

Many people enjoy eating a good salad. Being a delicious and healthy meal, no matter what diet you are on, salads are commonplace. If you are eating that yummy salad over carpet however, it can spill and get the salad dressing all over the place, though the veggies and other ingredients should be easily picked…

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How Long Does it Take for Carpets to Dry After Professional Carpet Cleaning in North Las Vegas, NV?

After they invest in a deep professional carpet cleaning, many homeowners want to know how long to expect the carpets will be damp until they are full dry. Since most professionals recommend avoiding foot traffic until the carpets are completely dry, knowing when it is safe to walk on the carpets is fairly important. It…

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