Whenever you make purchases for your home it is best to do your research before you commit to the item. As you do your research there are many different sources you can typically look to for information. Sometimes it is nice if someone does the research for you though. So today Tough Carpet Cleaning is going to share some information with those of you who may be shopping for rugs.
Size of Area Rug for Best Placement
First you will want to decide what size you need your rug to be. Many people make the mistake of assuming that they know what size they need without actually taking the time to measure the area where the rug will be going. The risk when you do this is that you may end up with a rug that is too large or too small. We highly recommend that you take the time to measure your area before you start shopping. As you measure your area you may wonder what the right size of rug actually is for your space. It can be hard to know what is going to look the best. Many experts recommend that you keep at least 18 inches of bare floor exposed by the rug’s edge. Other experts encourage you to put some of the rug underneath your couch or other furniture. Some of this will simply depend on your personal style and preference. You can look at pictures online of different rooms to see what style you prefer.
Help with Area Rug
Once you know the size of rug you want you will need to decide what color you want your rug to be. You can literally buy rugs in just about any color that you can imagine. What color would go the best with the décor and style of your home? You will also need to decide if you want a solid color or a pattern on your rug. Many people have both solid and patterned rugs in their house. Each room will have a different need so take time to think about what is best for your home.
Types of Rug Materials
After you have done all of the steps above you will want to start thinking about whether or not you have a preference on the material of the rug or not. Some people make their decision based first on the material type and then the style. For others the style is more important. Think about which one is most important to you.
There are tons of different materials that are used to make rugs. We will take a second and highlight some of the most popular rug materials.
• Wool: Wool rugs are known to be soft and durable. They are best for living rooms, dining rooms, and high traffic areas.
• Silk: Rugs made out of silk are very soft. The patterns in silk rugs can be truly stunning. They do show footprints and require professional cleaning. Silk is best for bedrooms and low traffic areas.
• Cotton: Cotton rugs are nice and easy to clean. One reason that many people choose a cotton rugs is that they are more affordable then wool or silk rugs. They are easy to clean. They do not last as long as wool or silk rugs. They are best for kitchens, bedrooms, and casual areas.
• Synthetics: Synthetic rugs are made from man-made fibers. They are affordable, easy to clean, and family friendly. They do not always feel as nice as other types of rugs. They are best in hallways, outdoors, high traffic areas, and sunny areas.
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Hopefully this helps you select your rug with confidence. Tough Carpet Cleaning wants you to love your rug for years to come so we hope that you choose wisely. Remember that once you have your area rug you will want to have us come out and clean it on a regular basis. This will help the rug last as long as possible. Contact us today!