When you have your new carpets installed in your home you want them to stay looking that fresh for as long as possible. It is just a matter of time before that first cup of juice spills or that plate is dropped. Spots and stains on carpet make the carpet look and feel dirty. That is why it is pertinent to have the carpets cared for properly. That means vacuuming on a regular basis and treating stains and spots as they occur. You want to have a tried method of removing particular kinds of stains that will not cause damage to your carpet. Although fast action is necessary when cleaning carpet stains you also need to take advantage of professional carpet cleaning services. Some people are not sure how often they need to have their carpets cleaned and it is different for different houses.
Tough Carpet Cleaning Lists Things to Consider When Deciding How Often to Have Your Carpets Cleaned
How Much Traffic is On the Carpet?: One of the most important things to consider when deciding how often you need to use professional carpet cleaning is how many people are walking on the carpet. This constitutes the amount of traffic. The traffic is when people are walking around whether with or without shoes. The more people that use and live in the house the more these high traffic areas will soil. The soiling in high traffic areas will change the look and the feel of the carpet and could potentially lead to damage. If you are the only person that lives and you don’t have a lot of company over you can wait longer than a large family to have your carpets cleaned.
Do You Have Pets in Your House?: This is a huge part of carpet cleaning and how often it is necessary. The pets that you have in your home can make a big difference in how often you need to treat the carpets to professional cleaning. If you have cats or dogs that have lots of accidents or even a rare accident you need to have your carpets cleaned often. The pet urine is extremely potent and extremely bad to allow to sit on the carpet. The ammonia in the urine will soak into the fibers of the carpet all the way into the backing and sub floor. That means that professional pet stain and odor removal is necessary so that the home does not have the smell. The odor can last even after you think you have cleaned the stain up.
How Much Carpet Staining Do You Have?: The standard dirt that is drug in by shoes, feet and other items can cause the carpet to become dirty. A whole other level is the amount of actual spills and stains that occur. This can be from a toddler walking around dripping his water or an adult dropping their morning coffee. The more stains that occur on your carpets the more often you need to use professional carpet cleaning.
Carpet Stain Removal & Pet Odor Removal in the Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada
Tough Carpet Cleaning offers expert carpet cleaning and related services. Contact us to schedule your next appointment