Every home has its own odor. When your home is brand new, it will smell like building materials. As you live in it, the home will take on the smells that are frequently used in your homes. Cleaning supplies, cooking supplies, health and beauty products, and candles can all combine to make your home smell like your family. Next time you go into someone’s home try and take a nice deep breath and smell the aroma of their home. When you walk into your own home take a nice deep breath and smell the aroma of your home. You will probably notice that you cannot always smell the aroma of your home because you are just used to the way it smells. If you want to keep your house smelling nice and clean you can deodorize your carpet using some simple techniques.
Vacuuming Baking Soda on Carpet
One popular method is to deodorize your carpet with baking soda and a vacuum. The first step in this process is to vacuum your carpet as good as you possibly can. Once you have really taken your time and vacuumed your carpet thoroughly you are ready to get our some baking soda. You will want to buy brand new baking soda. Using baking soda that has been open and sitting in your refrigerator or cupboard will not be as effective. You will want to sprinkle the baking soda liberally on your carpet. You may want to use a large shaker to sprinkle the baking soda onto your carpet so that it doesn’t come out in clumps right out of your box. Next you want to scrub the baking soda into your carpet. Use a dry scrub brush or sponge to scrub the baking soda deep into the fibers of the carpet. You will want to make sure that the baking soda gets all the way to the bottom of the carpet. If you have shaggy or long carpet this process will take longer. After you have completed this step you will want to let the baking soda sit for several hours or overnight. If you can let it sit for 24 hours that is optimal. The longer the baking soda sits on the carpet, the more it absorbs and neutralizes the odors. You will want to make sure that no one walks on the carpet during this time. We know that this can be tricky. Some people find that they need to do their carpet in chunks so that their family can function normally still. Once you have let the baking soda sit as long as you can you will want to start vacuuming it up. You will want to work slowly and go over each section of carpet several times to ensure that the baking soda gets all the way out. You may need to empty your vacuum bag or canister several times during this process. When you finish vacuuming you are done!
Baking Soda & Essential Oil Carpet Deodorizer
There are some variations that you can try on this method as well using essential oils. Many people love the scent of essential oils in their home. Fresh scents will like lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, and peppermint are all great options for deodorizing your carpet. To scent your baking soda, pour your baking soda into a large bowl. Add the desired amount of essential oil into your baking soda and stir. You may want to add 10 drops of oil and then stir it in, smell the baking soda to see if it is the desired smell, and continue adding 10 drops at a time until you like the way that it smells.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain & Spot Removal & More in Enterprise, Paradise, Spring Valley, Henderson, North LV, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountains Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
If your carpet still has an unpleasant aroma when you walk into your home give us a call here at Tough Carpet Cleaning and we can professionally deodorize your carpets. Contact us today!